Christmas week is here. It’s a busy week for all businesses in Goa. Tourists from all over the world have flocked to this beautiful state to enjoy their year-end holidays. There are lots of weddings, client meetings and family events to attend during this festive season. Time may seem to fly. You may find it difficult to find time to tweet, update your Facebook status or post your latest pic on to Instagram. And when you are any social media platform it easy to get distracted scrolling through endless posts. Have you been at the receiving end with regards to managing time? I have been.
To be honest Social Media is time consuming. Time is the biggest investment one makes in a social media business. It is easy to get distracted and waste your time drooling over meaningless posts.
It is important to keep a tab on the time spent on social media and how much of it contributes towards work. Using time efficiently is the key for a productive output. Here are 5 points you need to watch out for to improve social media productivity.
You need to watch where your time goes to ensure you’re spending it efficiently and with the desired impact. Here are five tips to help you.
#1: Make a To-Do List
How many times have you fallen prey to procrastination? It happens to the best. The best way to beat it is to make a list of things that you have to do in the order of priority and see that you achieve it.
Avoid general chit-chat, casual browsing and especially those eye-catching videos. In short, avoid all distractions that are going to keep you from achieving your objectives.
Be mindful of the tasks at hand and execute them keeping an eye on the time you have. Keep a track of what you are doing, how you are doing it and what is the final outcome.
#2: Keep your deadlines
Remember the phrase, “It’s better to be an hour early, than to be a minute late”? Yes, do not be late at meeting your deadlines. Even worse, avoid missing any altogether. It creates a bad impression with the client and could potentially harm your company/firm’s reputation.
#3: Schedule. Schedule. Schedule
At times, despite managing your schedule well, you may find it difficult to execute certain tasks like posting n Facebook or sending a particular tweet or uploading your latest blog. What can we do then?
There are going to be times when you are busy and times when you are idle. Use the idle time to schedule tasks way in advance, especially when you are expecting a busy week ahead. Most of the social media platforms allow you to schedule a post in advance saving you the dilemma of juggling work-time. Facebook, YouTube, Blogger allow you to schedule in advance. You may use Buffer to schedule your post on Twitter. The idea here is to make the optimum use of your time. I always do this irrespective of whether I am expecting myself to be busy or not. It’s a good habit. Cultivate it.
#3: Use Your Waiting Time
There are times when you have to wait. It could be for a client, doctor, an appointment at a Govt. office or just wait to pick your kid up. Instead of just killing time by browsing through the Internet or playing mobile games wouldn’t it be better to send a tweet or post something on Instagram. You just need a phone with an Internet connection! In other words, don’t just hang around, be productive.
Use the spare time to check your various social media accounts, to reply to a post or a comment or to check out a particular social media blog such as DigiCrawlrZ. And it doesn’t take a lot of time too.
#4: Get off the Internet
Yes. I meant it, literally. It’s Christmas Soak in the festive spirit. Connect with your family, loved ones and friends. Take part in Christmas carols. It’s that time of the year where you get a chance to have fun and be fun. After all, all work and no play makes everyone dull and boring. Don’t worry about the tweet that you had to send, the post on Facebook or the story on Instagram. Switch off! And switch yourself on for CHRISTMAS.Have fun!
Here’s wishing everyone reading this blog A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS from the DigiCrawlrZ family. God bless.