Please continue the medications as below regardless of a positive or negative test report

Treatment protocol for Asymptomatic/Symptomatic patients awaiting reports in Goa (except travellers)

Following medications are to be taken only if patient turns symptomatic
  • Tab. Paracetamol 500 mg only if fever (With a gap of 6 hours; Not more than 4 times per day)steam inhalation covid 19
  • Tab. Doxycycline 100 mg one tab twice daily x 5 days (1 hr before breakfast and dinner) with a full glass of water while sitting or standing. To prevent throat irritation, do not lay down right after taking this medicine.
  • Tab. Ivermectin 12 mg one tab daily x 5 days (1 hr before Lunch)
  • Betadine gargles thrice daily after breakfast, lunch, dinner for 10days. 5ml betadine with 5ml room temperature water mixed to make 10ml in the cap provided. Gargle for 30 secs .Do not eat or drink for at least 30 mins after gargling. OR Warm salt water gargling 5 times a day.
  • Steam inhalation (around a max of 5mins at a time) 3-5 times daily. Stay one foot away from the inhaler. Be careful not to get burnt with the steam.

Caution: Pregnant, lactating and below 15 years must not take Ivermectin and Doxycycline.

The following supplements may be taken as well
  • Vit. B’plex with Zinc (50 mg) once daily with dinnervit c and zinc
  • Tab. Vit. C (500mg) twice daily half hour before Breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • Tab. Calcium (500mg) once daily with lunch
  • Cap. Vit D 60K once a week same day of the week with dinner for 8 weeks.
  • For below 15 years: Syp. Bplex with Zinc, Susp. Calcium and Vit.C as per treating Doctor’s advice.


Balloon exercises

blowing balloon covid 191. Blow into the balloon as much as you can.
2. Blow into the balloon from the center of your lips.
3. Don’t allow air from the balloon to go back into your lungs.
4. Repeat this exercise 10 times in one session.
5. Repeat this session every four hours.
6. This will help to keep your lungs healthy.

Take 6 minute walk test twice a day!

Walking Exercise covid 19

Check SPO2 and note the reading. Take a walk after this for 6 mins at normal pace inside the room itself, and recheck
reading on pulse-oxymeter. Any drop in reading of 4 points and more (For example if previous SPO2 was 94 and post walk test it comes to 90, i.e difference of 4 or more) kindly contact nearest Primary Health Centre or Hospital.

Follow the Protocol…
  • SELF-ISOLATE (Stay Indoors) till report is available in an independent room with a separate washroom as far as possible.
  • Check Temperature a minimum of 3 times per day.OximeterCOVID
  • Check SPO2 (Oxygen saturation through Pulse-oxymeter) thrice a day.
  • All family members to eat separately. Avoid eating together.
  • All family members to wear mask at all times.
  • Continue medications for co-morbid conditions like Diabetes, Hypertension, Kidney disease, Asthma, etc


This guide is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as advice or as a substitute for consulting a physician. It is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment from a healthcare professional. We are not responsible for the content, accuracy or timeliness of the information provided. While the guide aims to provide up-to-date information on the COVID-19 pandemic, it will be updated with a frequency of about 2-3x/week.